Saturday, January 24, 2009

My Horrible Driver’s License Picture

I am not much for having my picture taken at all; I think they all turn out horrible. Having it taken for my license is no different. Like most other people, I think they look bad.

Well I now have the worst of the worst pictures. It has that look of a “women’s prison mug shot.” No, I haven’t been in prison, just seen a lot of mugs on the news. I have also lost some weight since the picture was taken. So my driver’s license does not see daylight unless it absolutely has to!

A while back, I needed to pull out my license from its deep hiding place in my wallet, and have a merchant verify my identity and make a copy of it. I handed it to the gentleman, and he turned to walk away to make the copy, and stopped. He looked over at me, then back to my license. Oh crap, I thought to myself, I pulled out my license and handed him something else! Or, I am up a creek if he doesn’t think it is me! The merchant interrupted my racing thoughts by saying with a little chuckle, “you look much better than this!” Then he disappeared into the backroom.

I managed to whisper a thank you through my sheepish smile, and thought CRAP; it really is a bad picture! I made up my mind, first chance I got; I was getting a new one taken.

Life has moved on, and so have I. I never got the new picture taken. Having it done was put lower and lower on the too-do lists. And now, I like having it. Among other things, it shows my progress with my weight loss. Remember, I hate to have my picture taken. I had become very good at avoiding having it done. So my driver’s license picture is one of the very few pictures that I have of me, before.

Before, I cared enough about myself to take care of myself. And before, not being afraid to be seen in public or have a snapshot of myself out there in the world, with goodness knows who looking at it.

I have a bad driver’s license picture, like most people do, and I like it.

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