Monday, January 26, 2009


We all know of them, one way or another. You may have been or are being bullied right now. Or, you know someone who has been. More likely you just know the office bully or the bully in your child’s class. They are everywhere.

I have been a victim of bullying a couple of times. As hard as it was to deal with as a child, I was not prepared for it as an adult.

I ignored my bully co-worker and would not let him walk all over me. I used self-talk and reminded myself that it was he who had a problem and not me. As this was a new job, I treaded lightly when inquiring about the bully, with other co-workers. I wasn’t pleased with what I heard, “Oh he has good days and bad days.” Or, “Don’t let it get to you; it will affect your work.” But, I was determined to make it work, that is my nature anyway, and I really liked all my other co-workers, the job, all the bosses, and they liked me. The bully did not let up. At one point he was aggressive with me and also invaded my personal space.

Being alone and not having anyone to bounce this situation off of, I turned to the net. I found a lot of wonderful information that helped me in several ways to cope, and gave me some validation as to how I was feeling. One site that is jam-packed with helpful information is
Kickbully. Some of the information you can find there is, tips on handling a bully, ways to recognize a bully, links and book recommendations, and information on company atmospheres and how they can actually promote bullying.

Unfortunately I needed to bring the situation up to my boss. She got angry at me! It was very apparent to me that I was being made out to be a trouble maker by speaking out. I quit the job. And I am better for it.

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